Thursday, October 23, 2008

Signs of Obama Contribution Fraud - Family

During my research, signs of fraud become obvious. I began to ask myself, why dont members of the Federal Elections Committee see the tell tale signs. Here is one such account from the Obama Victory Fund.

The house above is the address (3878 Herschel St, Jacksonville, FL 32205) of a contributor to the Obama Victory Fund. The amount contributed was $140,000 by 5 family members from this house. Research of the value of houses within that area varied from $61,000 to $180,000.

House Pricing Information was provided using

Here is a list of Contributions from this Address:

Anne Pajcic Jacksonville, FL $28,500 Homemaker
Helen Pajcic Jacksonville, FL $28,500 Student
Michael Pajcic Jacksonville, FL $28,500 Student
Sallyn S Pajcic Jacksonville, FL $28,500 Homemaker
Stephen Pajcic Jacksonville, FL $28,500 Attorney

Here is what is suspicious

  • How could individuals listed as living in this house afford to donate the equivalent of the value of the house.
  • The house does not appear to be one an attorney would live in
  • 2 Females living in the house listed as home makers
  • 2 Students having $28,500 to donate to a presidental campaign
  • What is in it for this attorney? Obama and him both attended Harvard
  • a $140,000 donation is huge considering the current economy

FEC Laws That May Pertain to These Donations

Contributions in the name of another person are not permitted.
Note: Parents may not make contributions in the names of their children. Persons under 18 may contribute, but must do so willingly, under their own names, and with their own money.

More info:

1 comment:

concernedparent said...

Obama is not even a naturalized American Citizen